Headshots for Actor/Model Reed Whitaker

Reed is on his way to New York after signing with his new agency. He is primarily a fashion model but his management company requested some acting headshots as well…and trusted me to give him some images to get him started auditioning.

Actor headshots Baltimore
Harford County headshots
Headshot photographer Maryland
Model headshots Baltimore
Photographers Maryland
Actor headshots Maryland
Baltimore headshot photographer
Headshot photographer Maryland
Headshots for actors Baltimore
Headshot photographer
Actor headshot samples Baltimore
Headshots for actors Maryland
Headshot photographer Baltimore
Actor headshots Harford County 
Headshot photographer studio

Recent actor headshot sessions

Multiple looks for actors. Each session was different, and designed for the specific client’s needs.

Images for Sam Trejo Jr. actor

Actor headshots Baltimore
Maryland headshot photographer
Actor headshots Maryland
Headshot photographers for actors
Harford County photographer
Commercial headshots for actors
Baltimore headshot photographer
Maryland headshot photographer
Actor headshots Maryland
Actor headshot photographer Baltimore
Theatrical headshot for actor
Baltimore headshot photographer
Maryland headshot photographer
Actor headshots Maryland
Actor headshots Baltimore

Actor and model Lulu Concepcion

Actor headshots Baltimore
Maryland headshot photographer
Actress headshots Maryland
Headshots for actors Baltimore
Harford County photographer
Actor headshots Maryland
Baltimore headshot photographer
Harford County photographer
Actress headshots Harford County
Actor headshots
Headshots for woman Maryland
actor headshots Baltimore
Maryland headshot photographer
Headshots for modeling Baltimore
Modeling photographer Baltimore
Actress headshots Harford County

Maryann Fisher- actor

actor headshot Baltimore
Baltimore actor headshots
Maryland headshot photographer
Harford County photographer
Headshots for actors Maryland
Headshots for actors
Baltimore headshot photographer
Actor headshots Maryland
Headshot photographer Baltimore
Harford County photographer
Theatrical headshots actors

New actor and model Sakai Scott

Child actor headshot Baltimore
Baltimore headshot photographer
Headshot photographer Maryland
Kid headshots Baltimore
Child model headshots
Child actor headshots Baltimore
Actor headshot Maryland
Headshot photographer Baltimore
Teen headshot Maryland
Harford County photographer

Actor headshots for all ages

These adorable young ladies are new to acting/modeling and needed some images to show their amazing personalities (and that breathtaking hair!) I think I gave them a range of images to use as their first marketing materials.

Commercial actor headshot
Kid actor headshot photographer
Actor headshots Maryland
Maryland headshot photographer

Sakai Scott commercial headshot

Theatrical headshots for kids
Kid actor headshot photographer
Maryland actor headshots
Baltimore headshot photographer
Best headshot photographer Maryland

Sakai Scott theatrical headshot

teen actor headshots
Child actor headshot
Baltimore headshot photography
Maryland headshot photographer
headshots for kids
teen actor headshots
child actor headshots
Maryland headshot photographer
Baltimore headshots
Harford County photographer

Not the type of shoot I normally do……

Recently, a former client referred a lovely lady to me who was about to turn 40. She wanted a fun photo shoot to celebrate this milestone. I don’t do a lot of traditional portraiture but she wanted to be glamorous and fun so we booked a makeup artist, gathered our disco balls and balloons and spent an evening creating fun images to commemorate 40 trips around the sun. This is what she had to say about the results…..

“Wow wow wow… I am screaming at the top of my lungs…. I loved love love and loved my photos… Excellent work, Ms. Amy.. You are indeed one of the best.. Thanks so very much. I am beyond impressed??

God bless the work of your hands.”

Lela Kaidbey,

birthday portrait
Studio portraits
Harford County photographer
Amy Jones Photography
birthday portrait
Studio session
Amy Jones Photography
Harford County photographer
Fun birthday portraits
Birthday portaits
Studio session for portrait
Amy Jones Photography
Glamour photography
Harford County photographer
Fun birthday portraits
Harford County photographer
Studio session
Portrait session
Amy Jones Photography

Client Spotlight

The talented Matthew Crawford. This gentleman is not only a Baltimore/DC theater actor and instructor but also specializes in stage combat. If you have ever attended the Maryland Renaissance Festival, you may have seen him in action! There is no doubt in my mind we will see him do more TV and film roles very, very soon.

Actor headshots
Baltimore actor headshots
Headshot photographer Maryland
Baltimore headshots
Male actor headshots
First look from Matthew’s shoot (best friend)
Character actor headshot
Actor headshots Baltimore
Maryland headshot photographer
Harford County headshot photographer
Tough guy headshots
2nd look (tough guy, undercover cop, motorcycle gang member etc…)
Actor headshots
Baltimore actor headshots
Maryland headshot photographer
Character actor headshots
Male actor headshots
3rd look from Matthew’s shoot (creative professional, pretentious rich guy etc…)
Stage combat expert headshot
Actor headshot
Theater headshot
Maryland headshot photographer
Baltimore actor headshots
Stage combat image with weapons

It’s been a busy September!

Headshot sessions have been off the hook lately…back to doing my favorite kind of work. Some are actors, some models, some business portraits and I love all these sessions.

male actor headshot
African American actor headshot
teen actor headshot
Baltimore headshots
Harford County photographer
First look for young actor
tough guy headshot
teen actor headshot
Baltimore actor headshot
Harford County headshot photographer
2nd look
Teen actor headshot
Baltimore headshots
African American male headshot
Male actor headshot
Harford County photographer
3rd look
Teen actor headshot
Outdoor headshot
natural light headshot
Baltimore headshots
Harford County photographer
4th look for young actor Stanley Grizmala
Business portraits
Corporate headshots
Baltimore corporate headshot photographer
Harford County headshots
A few of the many business portraits shot for Apex Physics Partners
headshot for models
actor headshot
blonde model headshots
Baltimore headshots
Harford County headshot photographer
commercial model headshots
Model Ashlin Teague- headshots for her Miami and Philadelphia agencies

It’s been a month of new actor headshots. My studio has been busy! So many new faces and I am loving these images.

This shoot for Jadyn Mikay was particularly fun since her manager requested character headshots along with a traditional headshot. I loved creating her “prep school” look and her “edgy, tough girl” headshot! Thank you to Jill from No Filter Glam for the lovely makeup.

The rest of the photos are from recent shoots as well.

Teen actor headshot
Actress headshot
beauty photography
Baltimore headshot photographer
Maryland headshot photographer
Harford County photographer
Headshot for teen actor Jadyn Mikay

Teen character headshot
actor headshot
Baltimore actor headshot
Maryland photographer
Harford County photographer
“prep school” character headshot for teen actor Jadyn Mikay
Teen actor headshot
character headshot
Baltimore actor headshots
Headshot photographer Maryland
Harford County photographer
“edgy girl” character headshot for Jadyn Mikay
actor headshot
female actor headshot
teen actor headshot
Headshot for actor Sydney Lowry
Actor headshot
Baltimore actor headshot
Teen girl headshot
Harford County headshot photographer
2nd look for actor Sydney Lowry
Actor headshot
Teen actor headshot
Female actor headshot
Baltimore headshot photographer
Actor Syndey Lowry headshot
Actor headshot
Young actor headshot
Actor Conor Smyth
Actor headshot
Young actor headshot
Headshot for actor
ethnic actor headshot
Baltimore actor headshot
Young actor headshot
Natural light actor headshot
actor headshot
three quarter headshot
ethnic actor headshot
Baltimore headshot photography
Teen male actor headshot
Harford County headshot photographer
Actor headshot
Harford County photographer
Headshot for actor Gabe Viets
child actor headshot
Baltimore headshot photographer
Harford County photographer
teen male actor headshot
teen headshot Baltimore
Child actor headshot
Child pageant photography
Child pageant headshot
Blonde child headshot
child actor headshot
Harford County photographer
Baltimore actor headshots
Child headshot for acting and pageants
Female model headshot
Natural makeup headshot
Commercial model headshot
Headshot photographer Baltimore
Harford County photographer
Modeling headshot

Teen actor/model portfolio images

We had such a great time photographing Emily for her commercial modeling portfolio. She needed images to present to her agency for an online zed (composite) card. She also does teen pageants so we did a quick headshot that was more appropriate for her competitions.

Makeup/hair Lisa Jones- Butz

Teen commercial headshot for modeling
Teen modeling headshot
Teen model
Commercial portfolio image for teen model
Teen modeling portfolio image outside
Full length photo for teen model commercial portfolio
Teen pageant headshot
Pageant headshot Makeup/hair Lisa Jones Butz
Black and white headshot teen model
Portfolio image for teen zed card

Headshot session for actor John Wontrop

With a long lens and my mask on, I recently had a studio headshot session for actor John Wontrop. He tends to do a lot of “bad guy” roles and wanted a few shots that were more serious and expressive. So we set about to give him a mix of friendly commercial images as well as a character “tough guy.”

“I am letting you know that I have received all five sets of photos you sent. They look absolutely fantastic. I am 110% satisfied with the final results. Thank you for all of your work and providing an easy and hassle free process (global pandemics asideā€¦). You will definitely be getting an email from me the next time I need headshots.” John Wontrop