Headshots for Actor/Model Reed Whitaker

Reed is on his way to New York after signing with his new agency. He is primarily a fashion model but his management company requested some acting headshots as well…and trusted me to give him some images to get him started auditioning.

Actor headshots Baltimore
Harford County headshots
Headshot photographer Maryland
Model headshots Baltimore
Photographers Maryland
Actor headshots Maryland
Baltimore headshot photographer
Headshot photographer Maryland
Headshots for actors Baltimore
Headshot photographer
Actor headshot samples Baltimore
Headshots for actors Maryland
Headshot photographer Baltimore
Actor headshots Harford County 
Headshot photographer studio

Recent actor headshot sessions

Multiple looks for actors. Each session was different, and designed for the specific client’s needs.

Images for Sam Trejo Jr. actor

Actor headshots Baltimore
Maryland headshot photographer
Actor headshots Maryland
Headshot photographers for actors
Harford County photographer
Commercial headshots for actors
Baltimore headshot photographer
Maryland headshot photographer
Actor headshots Maryland
Actor headshot photographer Baltimore
Theatrical headshot for actor
Baltimore headshot photographer
Maryland headshot photographer
Actor headshots Maryland
Actor headshots Baltimore

Actor and model Lulu Concepcion

Actor headshots Baltimore
Maryland headshot photographer
Actress headshots Maryland
Headshots for actors Baltimore
Harford County photographer
Actor headshots Maryland
Baltimore headshot photographer
Harford County photographer
Actress headshots Harford County
Actor headshots
Headshots for woman Maryland
actor headshots Baltimore
Maryland headshot photographer
Headshots for modeling Baltimore
Modeling photographer Baltimore
Actress headshots Harford County

Maryann Fisher- actor

actor headshot Baltimore
Baltimore actor headshots
Maryland headshot photographer
Harford County photographer
Headshots for actors Maryland
Headshots for actors
Baltimore headshot photographer
Actor headshots Maryland
Headshot photographer Baltimore
Harford County photographer
Theatrical headshots actors

New actor and model Sakai Scott

Child actor headshot Baltimore
Baltimore headshot photographer
Headshot photographer Maryland
Kid headshots Baltimore
Child model headshots
Child actor headshots Baltimore
Actor headshot Maryland
Headshot photographer Baltimore
Teen headshot Maryland
Harford County photographer

Creative photo sessions

These are four examples of my photo series that combines touches of AI with traditional photography.

I started this project as personal work, but am finding that clients are responding to this type of shoot and want me to create a special session just for them. It’s meant to appear as a fantasy image so much of the looks are created in post production.

If you are interested in creating something for yourself, don’t hesitate to email so we can start planning something special. amy@amyjphoto.com

Beauty photography Baltimore
Photography for models
Maryland photographer
Portrait photography Maryland
Harford County photographer
fantasy photography
Creative photo sessions
beauty photography Maryland
Baltimore photographer
Photography for new models Maryland
Harford County photographer
Beauty photography
Fantasy photo shoot Baltimore
Maryland beauty photography
Photography for models Maryland
Baltimore headshot photographer
Harford County photographer
Beauty photography Baltimore
Headshot photographer Maryland
Maryland photographer
Harford County photographer
Headshots for models Baltimore

Theatrical Headshots

Although I shoot a lot of actor headshots with a more commercial feel, recently I have had more requests for theatrical headshots. I am enjoying the change to a bit more dramatic, simple lighting and backgrounds that really let the strength of the subject’s features take center stage.

theatrical headshots
headshots for actors
actor headshot photographers
Maryland headshot photographer
Baltimore headshot photographers

Actor/singer Ceci Smith

Actor headshots
theatrical headshots Baltimore
Maryland headshot photographer
Harford County photographer
Performer headshots Maryland
Theatrical headshot Baltimore
Baltimore actor headshots 
Headshot photographer Maryland
Harford County MD photographer
Baltimore headshot photographer
Female actor headshots Maryland

Theatrical headshot for actor/singer Kiley Earnest

actor headshots
headshots for dancers
Baltimore headshot photographers
Maryland headshot photographers
Male dancer headshots

Actor/dancer Alex DeVito

Female actor headshots
Theatrical headshots Baltimore
Maryland headshot photographer
Harford County photographer
Headshot photographer

Actor/Dancer Mali Black

Actor headshots Baltimore
Theatrical headshots Maryland
Headshot photographers Maryland
Baltimore headshot photographers
Fitness model headshots

Actor and fitness model Sam Trejo Jr.

New year, new marketing materials! Happy 2024.

Samples of recent actor headshot sesssions. Email me for information and to set up your custom session. Amy@amyjphoto.com

actor headshot
headshot photographer maryland
Baltimore headshot photographer
female actor headshot
headshots for actors

Two looks for young actor Cressie Roberts

Teen actor headshots
Headshots for actors
Baltimore headshot photographer
Harford County photographer
Female headshots
Maryland headshot photographer

The lovely young actor Scout Latshaw.

Actor Kirsten Johnson (makeup Bethany- No Filter Glam)

Teen actor headshot
Headshots for actors
Baltimore headshots
Maryland headshot photographer
Headshots photographer 
Female actor headshots

Female actor headshots
Baltimore headshot photographer
Maryland headshot photographer
Harford County photographer
Actor headshots

Atlanta based actor Catie K.

Film maker Brooke 
Actor headshot
Baltimore headshot photographer
Harford County photographer
Maryland headshot photographer

Makeup/hair: Amanda Sandruck Actor and film maker headshots for Brooke Linsalata

actor headshot
headshots for actors
male actor headshot
baltimore headshot photographer
Maryland headshot photographer

Voice over talent and actor Charlie Weirauch

Client Spotlight

The talented Matthew Crawford. This gentleman is not only a Baltimore/DC theater actor and instructor but also specializes in stage combat. If you have ever attended the Maryland Renaissance Festival, you may have seen him in action! There is no doubt in my mind we will see him do more TV and film roles very, very soon.

Actor headshots
Baltimore actor headshots
Headshot photographer Maryland
Baltimore headshots
Male actor headshots
First look from Matthew’s shoot (best friend)
Character actor headshot
Actor headshots Baltimore
Maryland headshot photographer
Harford County headshot photographer
Tough guy headshots
2nd look (tough guy, undercover cop, motorcycle gang member etc…)
Actor headshots
Baltimore actor headshots
Maryland headshot photographer
Character actor headshots
Male actor headshots
3rd look from Matthew’s shoot (creative professional, pretentious rich guy etc…)
Stage combat expert headshot
Actor headshot
Theater headshot
Maryland headshot photographer
Baltimore actor headshots
Stage combat image with weapons

Spring is here and it’s time to enjoy the weather and update your marketing materials!

2023 has been busy and fun. I have had many new headshot clients as well as some returning advertising clients. These are samples from my recent shoots.

Female actor headshots
Baltimore headshot photographer
actor headshots Maryland
Teen girl headshots
Beauty photography 
Headshot photographer
Talent agency
Casting agency headshots
Amy Jones Photography
Actor Grace Richardson
Child headshots
Child model photography
Child actor headshots
Headshots for kids Maryland
Headshot photographer Baltimore
Kid actor headshots
This little lady is getting into acting and modeling, these were her first professional photos.
Actor headshots Baltimore
Headshot photographer Maryland
Female actor headshots Baltimore
Harford County photographer
African American actor headshots
New headshot client Dahjn Gomez- one of the three looks from her session.
Actor headshot
Baltimore headshots for actors
Maryland headshot photographer
Female actor headshots
Commercial model headshots
I have been photographing Shari for years and years…always a pleasure to work with her.
Child actor and model Maddie
Child actor headshots
Natural headshots for kids
Kid modeling photos
Headshot photographer for kids
Baltimore actor headshots
2nd look for child actor and model Maddie B.
Commercial modeling photography
Advertising photography
Photography using models
Studio photography Baltimore
Marketing and Advertising photography Maryland
Advertising images for Lily Trotters Compressions socks (models Amanda and Adriana..and CocoBean)
Advertising photography
Commercial advertising photography
Model photography Maryland
Studio photography advertising
Marketing photography Baltimore
Advertising image for Lily Trotters socks- model Amanda Sandruck and CocoBean
Baltimore actor headshots
Headshot photography for actors
African American female actors
Headshot photography Baltimore
Harford County photographer
Actor headshot for Veronique MacRae.

Client Spotlight- Emma Chaiken

These were Emma’s first headshots. She is a talented young actor in her mid 20’s but clearly she has an age range of 16-25. We had a great time creating headshots to show off her varied looks. These are samples of my 3 look headshot session.

Actor headshot
Baltimore headshots
Natural headshots
Maryland headshot photographer
female actor headshot
teen headshot
Look one- traditional headshot
actor headshot
young actor headshot
Baltimore headshot
Maryland headshot photographer
Harford County photographer
Look one- traditional headshot 2nd clothing option
Young actor headshot
Teen actor headshot
Baltimore headshot
Maryland headshot photographer
2nd look: High school teen look
Young actor headshot
Maryland headshot photographer
Professional women headshot
Baltimore headshots
Harford County photographer
3rd look: Young professional look